Looking good and feeling good about oneself is something that every woman wants to feel, and I am not an exception to them. I always want to feel great about myself to boost my confidence. My way of achieving such is by creating my own fashion statement. My colleagues noticed my style and I got mixed comments from them. I sometimes forget to consider my built as well as my height. Nevertheless, they give me tips and advice on how to improve my fashion style.
It’s not that I complain about my God-given height but it is really one of my struggles. There’s a lot of dress that I want to wear but it made me look shorter than I thought it would. I am overwhelmed with how media advertisement introduces new shoes style. When I went to the mall for shoe shopping or searching, I mean, I always look for wedges or stilettos that would fit and look good on my size 5 but wider feet. I have a favorite shoes brand. Their designs are not really that superb but it fits perfectly on my small feet. I love watching fashion shows wherein I can gain some ideas from the models. However, the shoes that they are wearing are meant for special occasions and I can’t imagine wearing it on casual days. I also love browsing shoes designs on the internet and I intentionally browsed for Prada shoes since I was curious and influenced with the movie of Anne Hathaway entitled “The Devil Wears Prada”.

I already heard about Prada brand but I doubt if it is available here in the Philippines. Prada shoes are best shown in www.bluefly.com ,a site that introduces designer shoes and other apparels for both men and women. As for Prada shoes, they almost have all categories that you want. You will enjoy browsing for shoes because you can view the details by just moving your mouse. They offer special discounts for those who will sign up and become a member. I even like them on facebook to get an updates from them. Check for yourself and see all their available Prada shoes designs and also avail their shoes price off just for today. I just wonder if they have an available size for me. Just in case there is, I have an alternative version of Anne's movie title, it would be "The Petite Girl Wears Prada."